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Flick International A pair of deteriorating, shadowy lungs surrounded by colorful vape smoke

A Cautionary Tale of Vaping: How One Woman’s Struggle for Life Highlights the Dangers of E-Cigarettes

A Cautionary Tale of Vaping: How One Woman’s Struggle for Life Highlights the Dangers of E-Cigarettes

A 26-year-old woman from Pennsylvania, Petrea Mckeithen, has shared her harrowing experience of nearly losing her life after vaping for just one year. Her story serves as a stark warning about the potential health risks associated with e-cigarettes.

Mckeithen began vaping at the age of 21, drawn in by the fun flavors and the social aspect of the habit. In an interview with Fox News Digital, she expressed regret for ignoring the warnings she received about vaping. “Everybody warned me about it, but I didn’t listen — I wish that I did,” she stated.

Initially, Mckeithen fell prey to the addictive nature of vaping, particularly its enticing flavors. “It’s really, seriously addicting,” she noted. “You get addicted to the vape clouds and the flavors — it’s themed, it’s cool. It’s like a rebel type of thing, I guess you could say.” Her casual habit quickly spiraled into a serious addiction.

Health Crisis Strikes

By September 2022, Mckeithen experienced a sudden and terrifying health crisis. She found herself unable to breathe, leading to an alarming diagnosis. “I had no prior health conditions,” she explained. “The only thing going on with me before my lungs collapsed was difficulty breathing, and I thought maybe I was developing asthma.” However, what she was experiencing was far more serious.

After consulting her doctor, Mckeithen learned that her condition involved a pneumothorax, commonly known as a collapsed lung. Cleveland Clinic defines this condition as occurring when air enters the chest cavity and places pressure on the lung, leading to a potential partial or full collapse.

Dr. David Campbell, a clinical director at Recover Together Bend in Oregon, elaborated on this condition, stating, “Primary spontaneous pneumothorax happens when there is a hole in the lung through which oxygen escapes — this can result from injury or ruptured air blisters on the lungs.” Vaping can exacerbate this condition, especially among young users.

Alarming Trend Among Young Vapers

According to Dr. Campbell, there is an increasing number of younger individuals experiencing collapsed lungs, with many reporting they do not smoke but vape instead. “They often strongly encourage them to discontinue vaping immediately if they want to avoid further lung complications in the future,” he advised.

Recognizing the warning signs of a collapsed lung is critical. Symptoms can include sharp chest or shoulder pain, shortness of breath, and significant difficulty breathing. Dr. Campbell cautioned that lung issues are just one of the many dangerous health effects linked to vaping.

Life-Threatening Consequences

After Mckeithen’s lungs collapsed, she was life-flighted to a hospital. There, she was placed in a medically induced coma and received extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) treatment. This advanced procedure supports heart and lung function.

During her ten-day coma, Mckeithen endured vivid nightmares that haunt her to this day. She described her experiences as feeling more like memories than dreams: “Those nightmares were 10 days of me dying over and over in the most excruciating, painful ways.”

Moreover, doctors informed her family that she faced only a 3% chance of survival. Miraculously, Mckeithen pulled through against the odds.

Struggles Beyond the ICU

Upon awakening, Mckeithen faced a new reality. She underwent extensive physical therapy, gradually regaining her strength. However, even today, she lives with chronic asthma and a condition known as EVALI, which stands for e-cigarette or vaping product use-associated lung injury.

“I take medicine daily,” she explained. “I must be very careful about my environment. I check the air quality every day before I leave, and if it is below what I consider safe, I will not leave my home.”

Mckeithen’s respiratory vulnerabilities mean she must navigate her life with caution. She commented on her interactions with others, telling Fox News Digital, “I have to be really careful about who I interact with, because you never know who is carrying a sickness.”

She added, “If it gets to a point where my breathing worsens, I must be admitted to the hospital immediately. It’s a lifelong challenge for me.”

A Mother’s Journey

Now, as a mother to an 18-month-old son, Mckeithen’s priorities have shifted dramatically. She shared her doctors’ concerns during her pregnancy, explaining, “They were really worried because I wasn’t supposed to get pregnant. They discussed abortion options with me, but I wanted to pursue the pregnancy because being a mother has always been my dream.”

Motivated by her near-fatal experience, Mckeithen seeks to illuminate the dangers of vaping, especially for younger demographics. She emphasized, “It doesn’t matter if you’re underage, you can still access these products — and it’s really terrifying.”

Despite previous misconceptions that vaping is a safer alternative to smoking, Mckeithen cautioned against this dangerous belief. “I thought that, too, and I was so wrong. It’s really scary,” she remarked.

Sharing the Message

In her efforts to raise awareness, Mckeithen recently confronted a group of teenagers she spotted vaping in a store. She shared her own experiences, showing them pictures of her medical struggles. “I said, don’t do that. I know it’s probably not my place, but they were young, and I wanted to protect them. Seeing teenagers vaping breaks my heart,” she recounted.

Mckeithen firmly believes that her journey should serve as a cautionary tale. Summarizing her experience, she stated unequivocally, “Vaping is not worth it. It’s not cool and it’s not fun. My family has endured severe trauma from watching me fight for my life.”