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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Flick International A serene outdoor space with a vibrant garden symbolizing resilience and hope

A Mother’s Resilient Battle Against Stage 4 Cancer: Finding Hope and Strength

A Mother’s Resilient Battle Against Stage 4 Cancer: Finding Hope and Strength

Life took an unexpected turn for me a year and a half ago upon receiving a stage 4 cancer diagnosis at the age of 40. Having previously shared the story of my rare appendiceal cancer diagnosis, I want to reflect on what this journey has taught me about resilience and strength.

I am a wife, a mother to a vibrant three-year-old girl, and have dedicated 16 years to journalism at Fox News. Unfortunately, I find myself among a troubling new trend: adults under 50 being diagnosed with various forms of cancer.

Being active and healthy have always been key aspects of my life, so my cancer diagnosis shocked both my family and me. Just two years earlier, while pregnant with my daughter, I faced a different rare diagnosis. What began as dull abdominal pains in the summer of 2023 escalated rapidly into a complex and emotional fight against cancer.

Since my diagnosis, I’ve embarked on a journey brimming with lessons about life, faith, and my own physical and emotional capabilities. At times, I grapple with feelings of despair, yet I find solace in my beautiful daughter, a constant reminder of my purpose.

Facing the Reality of Cancer Treatments

Now a year and a half post-diagnosis, I can confidently say that I experience good physical and emotional days more often than not. By October 2024, I had endured 24 rounds of chemotherapy. Seeking a second opinion became pivotal, leading me to the renowned MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston where a new treatment plan emerged, including an essential surgery.

Although I am still in recovery, I approach this next phase with renewed hope. Despite the cancer remaining, my care team and I have developed a robust plan to tackle it. I am grateful that options still exist for me in this fight.

Lessons Learned Throughout the Journey

Last year was not merely about enduring treatments; it was also about learning significant life lessons. One poignant realization is that I can continue to live my life without letting cancer overshadow my spirit. I’ve frequently been asked whether I am in remission. Although my situation is serious, many of my initial fears never came to fruition.

I anxiously anticipated losing my hair and feeling ill, but that has not been my experience. Besides my battle with cancer and the occasional germs my daughter brings home from daycare, I feel relatively healthy.

Another worry was the prospect of a prolonged recovery period in Texas, separated from my daughter for weeks. To my surprise, I was discharged from the hospital less than a week post-surgery. I attribute this quick recovery to my dedicated medical team, a rigorous diet, regular exercise, and my loving family. Their support—combined with daily prayers—has been invaluable. I express my gratitude every morning for the chance to wake up feeling well.

Additionally, I have learned to cherish the small moments and beauty surrounding me. As a family, we continue doing activities we enjoyed before, possibly doing even more now, guided by the understanding that life is too precious to postpone.

Finding Solace in Unexpected Places

As a former competitive figure skater, the ice still serves as a sanctuary for me. The sport has taught me a lot about resilience; just as I had to rise after each fall during competitions, I must continue to face the rigors of life and cancer head-on.

Although my cancer diagnosis is daunting, maintaining a focus on daily blessings helps mitigate fears and negative thoughts. I reflect on the many individuals who have touched my life since this journey began—some who have triumphed over cancer and others who currently fight alongside me, as well as those we have tragically lost. My doctors are dedicated professionals who continuously research and implement new treatments, providing a wellspring of hope.

When difficult moments arise, I remind myself to maximize the positives. Although my husband and I miss our daughter during our trips to Texas, we take comfort in knowing she is being cared for by her grandparents. Not only is she flourishing at her school with new friends and supportive teachers, but these times apart also allow my husband and me to deepen our connection as a couple.

Navigating the Uncertainty of Tomorrow

I often grapple with worries about the future. Yet, I strive to stay rooted in the present. Much lies beyond our control, and succumbing to the anxiety of