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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Flick International Antique gavel symbolizing the intersection of law and religious freedom

Christian Broadcasters Call on Florida Legislators to Reject Controversial Lawfare Bill

Christian Broadcasters Urge Lawmakers to Reject Senate Bill 752

The National Religious Broadcasters, known as NRB, urged Florida lawmakers to take a stand against a contentious bill that poses a significant threat to Christian broadcasters. The group’s general counsel highlighted concerns that the legislation could lead to the misuse of ‘lawfare’ against these communicators.

Understanding Senate Bill 752 and Its Implications

Senate Bill 752 seeks to amend Florida’s retraction statute. This statute currently limits defamation damages provided that a publisher issues a retraction or correction. However, the proposed bill would impose additional requirements by mandating publishers to remove online materials containing inaccurate information.

The legislation further stipulates that publishers become accountable if a