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Flick International Black Labrador retriever sniffing electronic devices in a California landscape

Innovative Canine Support: New K-9 Unit Tackles Cybercrime in California

A special electronic detection K-9 is assisting a central California district attorney’s office in addressing a surge in cybercrimes.

Tulare County District Attorney Tim Ward revealed the details about how this groundbreaking addition to their team will enhance efforts against the growing number of cybercrimes.

Ward recounted the moment his chief investigator proposed the idea, expressing initial disbelief. The possibility of a dog capable of detecting electronics seemed almost far-fetched.

However, the reality has proven to be an eye-opening experience for the entire department.

The Tulare County District Attorney’s office is one of only twelve offices across the nation that received an electronic detection dog through the National Forensic Institute program run by the U.S. Secret Service.

Ward expressed pride in the recognition, stating, “We are honored to be selected. We have positioned ourselves as a leader in addressing crimes against children and white-collar crime. Nevertheless, Tor is also here to support all our law enforcement allies across the county.”

Introducing Tor: The Cybercrime-Fighting Canine

Tor, a 2-year-old black Labrador retriever, received his name from an area linked to the dark web and will be instrumental in investigating offenses involving electronic devices. These include serious crimes like child pornography and various scams.

Tor’s handler, TCDA Criminal Investigator Anthony Benitez, noted that the implementation of electronic storage detection K-9s has been on the rise, particularly since the 2015 involvement of K-9 “Bear” in the high-profile Jared Fogle investigation.

Benitez added that this case played a pivotal role in establishing the effectiveness of K-9s in uncovering critical evidence needed for prosecution.

“Todd Jordan was also Tor’s trainer through his company. Since that 2015 investigation, the use of these K-9s has grown significantly as more law enforcement agencies have begun to embrace them,” Benitez explained.

What Sets Tor Apart

Tor is specifically trained to detect triphenylphosphine oxide, a chemical often found in the manufacturing of various storage devices, including cellphones, USB drives, micro SD cards, computers, and cameras. Ward compared the concept to that of traditional narcotics detection dogs.

He stated, “The process is not much different from how narcotic dogs are trained to spot illegal substances. We have seen similar dogs working in airports to detect explosives. This specialized training allows Tor to identify minute traces of the chemical, which might be present in small quantities.”

Benitez elaborated on the K-9’s role, mentioning that ESD K-9s are utilized after law enforcement has conducted a manual search. This often occurs during searches of homes where small devices might be hidden and overlooked.

“MicroSD cards, USB drives, and cellphones can be concealed in numerous places. An ESD K-9 like Tor can efficiently search for and potentially uncover these hidden devices,” Benitez said.

He further explained that most individuals do not typically hide their electronic devices. Any devices found would later undergo forensic analysis to assess their evidential relevance. Tor indicates the presence of TPPO on the device itself, not on the content stored within.

Rising Threat of Cybercrime

While the DA’s office has consistently focused on crimes against children, Ward noted the increasing prevalence of white-collar crime and fraud in recent years.

Ward explained, “When discussing fraud, people often think of embezzlement. However, the spectrum of crimes is broad, and one can quickly observe instances, such as murder for financial gain.”

Authorities have reported a notable uptick in fraudulent activities, embezzlement, and complicated white-collar crime cases, with the integration of technology playing a significant role in these offenses.

“There has been a marked increase in the merging of crimes related to electronics and the storage of hidden evidence,” he added.

Tor’s Role in Unearthing Hidden Evidence

Ward emphasized the critical function Tor will serve. In many cases, criminals attempt to obscure the evidence, whether it involves illicit images or concealed financial records.

He expressed enthusiasm that Tor can assist law enforcement regardless of the original criminal offense.

Ward, who has served as the Tulare County district attorney since 2012, has pioneered the establishment of a Crimes Against Children Unit and a Human Trafficking Task Force, alongside introducing the first Courthouse Comfort dog to the county.

The evolution of crime necessitates innovative solutions, and Ward provided perspective from a past case involving the notorious Visalia Ransacker, later identified as the ‘Golden State Killer.’

Embracing New Technologies for Justice

Reflecting on that case, Ward stated, “I remarked during the sentencing of the defendant that with advancements in science and technology, the environment in which criminals operate will continue to shrink.”

He cautioned anyone considering themselves outsmarting Tor’s capabilities, asserting, “If he is in the area, he will detect it and expose relevant evidence. No one can evade his incredible sense of smell.”

Ward hopes that victims are reassured by Tor’s presence, providing them and their families with hope and a feeling of safety.

“We are fortunate to have been selected by the U.S. Secret Service, and we intend to maximize our use of Tor for the benefit of the community,” he remarked.

Benitez affirmed the importance of Tor, stating, “The availability of such a resource significantly aids law enforcement in locating concealed items. Identifying even one crucial item may determine the success of a case.”

A Call for Justice and Support

Despite the turmoil in California, Ward’s office aims to deliver a strong message to the public.

He pointed out, “There are many conversations still happening in Sacramento. However, the voices that often go unheard are those of victims and their families. Our thoughts are with every family impacted by crime, especially those suffering due to child exploitation.”

With Tor integrated into their operations, Ward is optimistic about their capacity to protect and serve the community.

“We want to communicate to families without a voice in Sacramento that their concerns matter. We are dedicated to holding criminals accountable for their actions,” he added.