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Flick International Dramatic solar storm with coronal mass ejection and Earth silhouette

Severe Geomagnetic Storm Threatens Power Grids Amid Hurricane Recovery Efforts

A severe geomagnetic storm reached Earth on Thursday, potentially straining power grids as the U.S. copes with the aftermath of two major hurricanes. This alarming update comes from space weather forecasters monitoring the situation closely.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reported that a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) blasted from the Sun and made contact with Earth around 11 a.m. on Thursday. The situation escalated into grave concern as the Space Weather Prediction Center issued multiple warnings regarding geomagnetic storm conditions. By the end of the day, the planet was under G4 conditions, categorized as severe.

Understanding Geomagnetic Storms

NOAA defines a severe geomagnetic storm as a significant disturbance in Earth’s magnetic field. These storms vary in intensity, ranging from lower levels to the alarming severe storm conditions expected to occur during this event.

Such geomagnetic storms have the potential to disrupt power grids, satellites, and GPS technology.